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Writing Center: Home

The purpose of the Writing Center is to help students improve in the critical task of academic writing. This content includes video tutorials, links to websites for further study, and explanations about also offers information about Turabian.

Writing Center

Make an appointment with Barbara

Make an appointment with Carolyn

As a commitment to student success, tutoring is available for Turabian, English grammar, Logos Bible Software, and for other general topics. The purpose of tutoring is to assist students in achieving greater competency in their studies as opposed to completing work for students. Peer tutors welcome the opportunity to serve you on campus or online, but they are also available on a limited basis. 

Writing Guidelines

Students are required to use the basic formatting in all assignments regardless of whether a professor requires it. For example, all assignments should have 1″ margins on all sides, use Times New Roman font (12 pt) for body text, and double-spaced. Additionally, students will find key abbreviations (including Bible abbreviations), comma usage, and more in Turabian. Sources should be cited using the Notes-Bibliography style. In this style, students include a footnote at the end of the sentence. The final page of the assignment will include a Bibliography of sources cited.

About Turabian

All students are required to use Turabian, 9th edition, and are encouraged to purchase the latest edition to keep it handy at all times. Another name for Turabian is the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition. Turabian was the graduate school dissertation secretary at the University of Chicago from 1930–1958. While previous editions differed slightly, the CMS 17 and Turabian 9 are essentially the same.

CCBS partners with to provide assistance with academic writing. Access is provided through the course page within the student’s Populi account. If the link is not provided, students need to contact the course instructor.

Each student receives a limited number of minutes per term. Students needing additional time need to contact their academic advisor. (The limitation is in place to prevent one student from using up all of the college's alloted hours).

Tutoring Options

  1. Connect with a Tutor Now — Students who want to interact with a live tutor should select this option. Within moments, a tutor will connect and assist with reviewing the paper. (Available 24/7)
  2. Submit a Paper for Review — Students who want someone to look over their work and get feedback the next day should select this option. Within a 24-hour window (usually much quicker), a tutor will review the paper, add comments, and return.

In addition to receiving valuable assistance in reviewing  papers, every session is recorded and may be reviewed any time after the session has been completed. 

Need Help?

Our library staff is available to assist with questions and to help you find resources.

Librarian: Kellie Tomita, or Library Assistant David Probus:

Telephone: (910) 323-5614